Living in Retirement
What you need to know if you are at retirement age or thinking about retirement
In April 2015, wide ranging changes to pension legislation were introduced which revolutionised how individuals can access their pensions savings.
If you are nearing retirement, it is important you take these changes into account.
These changes can be summarised as follows:
- Individuals are able to access the whole of the pension savings from age 55 (age 57 from 2028), either in one lump sum or over a period of time.
- 25% can be taken tax free with the remaining amount subject to tax at the individual’s marginal rate.
- The full value of the fund can be passed to nominated beneficiaries on death in most cases free of all taxes prior to age 75 and subject to tax at the recipient’s marginal rate after 75.
SMH Financial Services feel that the freedom afforded by the changes is very positive as it will encourage more people to actively think about their money in retirement and consider the choices that are available to them.
Guaranteed income solutions such as annuities, particularly enhanced annuities continue to be a good solution for those who want the certainty of a secure level of income for life that they won’t outlive. Because of this, they will continue to be the cornerstone of many people’s retirement income.
Small Pension pots
Additional flexibility has been introduced for people with smaller pension pots allowing them to be taken as a lump sum.
Under these rules, if your pension pots across all your arrangements total £30,000 or less, you can take the whole of it as a lump sum from age 55. Pots of up to £10,000 each can also be taken as a lump sum (up to three such pots).
If you would like to arrange an initial meeting with one of our financial advisers to discuss pension plans, please contact the SMH Financial Services team on or 0114 266 4432.
A pension is a long-term investment not normally accessible until 55 (57 from April 2028). The value of your investments (and any income from them) can go down as well as up, which would have an impact on the level of pension benefits available.