SMH Wills & Probate

Head of SMH Wills & Probate

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Making a Will is one of those things we all mean to get around to doing, yet too few of us actually have a Will in place.

At SMH Wills & Probate, our Wills, Trusts, and Estates experts can support you during difficult times to make the experience as stress-free as possible whilst dealing with everything in an efficient manner.

Wills, Trusts & Estate Planning for individuals and their families

Putting Wills & Probate plans into place makes it easier and clearer for your loved ones to sort your affairs once you have gone. It will allow you to name your chosen Executors to handle your assets, or Guardians to care for your children, you may set out specific gifts to certain people, state your funeral wishes and establish Trusts to protect your assets for future generations or for dependants who may not be able to care for themselves.

It might be that you are worried about who could handle your affairs should you become physically or mentally incapacitated through old age, illness or injury. We can discuss Lasting Powers of Attorney with you.

Our highly qualified and experienced Wills, Trusts & Estates experts are on hand to assist with all your Wills & Estate planning requirements, giving you professional advice and peace of mind.

Find out more about our Wills & Probate services below or contact SMH Wills & Probate to arrange a free consultation to discuss your Wills, Trusts, and Estate Planning requirements in more detail.

We carried out a diversity survey amongst our staff in May 2023 and the results show a diverse range of; gender, age and background for the small team of staff across various roles and levels of responsibility at SMH Wills & Probate. Read our report here.

SMH Wills Services


SMH Probate Services



If you are interested in any of our group services and looking to speak with one our in-house experts please fill out our enquiry form below. One of our team will aim to get back to you as soon as possible.

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01142 664432