Other Services


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Other Services that we offer

The key difference with using ourselves rather than another firm of accountants is that you can access a wide range of additional services which will enable us to look after all your financial needs under one roof.

As a business owner you will require specialist financial advice to ensure that both the business and your individual circumstances are looked after.

We have specific expertise in this area and are well placed to offer comprehensive financial expertise for all your personal, family and business interests. Some of the areas to consider are:

Financial Planning & Advice

Tax Planning – How to save Tax

Protection of your family

  • Life cover which pays an amount to your loved ones should you die
  • Critical illness cover which pays you a lump sum if you’re diagnosed with certain critical illnesses
  • Income Protection policies which will pay you an income if you’re unable to work due to an accident or sickness
  • Share protection which ensures your share in the business is passed on to your chosen beneficiaries

Pension planning – making sure that you are funding for a secure retirement

Investment/Savings – making the most of your savings

Financing – putting in place finance to fund expansion

Legal Services

Wills – Your will is a legal statement of your wishes, enabling you to make important decisions that will impact your family and friends after your death. If you do not have a Will in place, you will die intestate and it is highly unlikely that the intestacy rules will dispose of your estate as planned

Lasting Powers Of Attorney (LPA’s) – Ensuring your business and personal affairs are wealth to be dealt if you are unable to do so is paramount. An LPA allows you to appoint someone you trust to look after your affairs in such a circumstance.

Estate administration – When a friend or relative dies it can be difficult to know what to do and where to start, and almost impossible to see the end.

This is why we offer sympathetic and professional legal advice to guide you through the complex legal issues that are faced when administering the estate of the deceased person by executors.